The Venison Advisory Service warmly welcomes the new strategy for Scottish venison, Beyond the Glen, which was launched by the Minister for Rural Affairs, Mairi Gougeon MSP, at Downfield Farm, Fife on Scottish Venison Day 4 September.
Dick Playfair, Director, VAS, says:
“This strategy will provide great encouragement for the sector.
“As well as underpinning the absolute importance of venison from the wild it also looks towards areas for future growth with farmed deer obviously providing considerable potential. There is a momentum building now and we must not lose it. While there is a lot of work to do it is good that we now have a realistic target farmed to grow farmed venison output from Scotland from its 100 tonnes now to 850 tonnes by 2030.”

L to r – Bob Prentice of Downfield Farm. Minister for Rural Affairs and the Natural Environment, Mairi Gougeon MSP, Bill Bewsher, Chairman, the Scottish Venison Partnership.
Credit: Ian Jacobs